To go into the new era

It is the saddest thing above all to lose our family by the natural disasters. Now is the time to change our age into the new one. There is nothing in accident and nothing useless in this world. It might be possible that looking from the wider view point, everything we experienced was inevitable. Everything has double-sided meanings. Why not interpret everything positively, and go creating the new age!

What was Boom of Nostradamus in the end of last century?


In January 1995, the Great Kobe Earthquake occurred, and it was whispered as it was a starting of end-of-the-world disasters.
And, the year 1999 came. Many people were worried about what would happen. As a result, nothing to perish humans happened. People were relieved, and some people started accusing Nostradamus as a liar by saying that Nostradamus Prophecies were fakes because nothing happened in 1999. In fact, people's attention to Nostradamus Prophecies was fading out quickly and was forgotten soon. Now, was the Nostradamus Prophecy really a fake? And was he really a liar?

The Earth is Living?


How do we take a view of the Earth? It is a mass of huge rocks. And hot magma is found deep under the earth's surface. Then, the magma erupts from volcano craters from time to time. What is more, earth is a water-rich planet covered relatively wide space with the sea. Probably those are the common images of earth that most people have. However, what if a huge energy entity has been dwelling in the earth!?

Natural Disaster has its own Mechanisms?


People think and consider various things. Either good or bad, you can think whatever you want. In a real sense, people's thoughts have energy. It is called the energy of thought. Even though the each thought of us is so small, if it gathers as total sum of thoughts by many people on the earth, it will be so big actually. Although we did not perceive it, we can say that our long time accumulation of evil thoughts has been beating up the Earth. We have not perceived how sensitive the Earth to our thoughts. Now, how does it relate to occurrence of natural disasters?

Were the Natural Calamities Postponed?


If actually worldwide disasters had occurred in 1999 as Nostradamus had predicted, present civilization might have come to the end, even though humans did not perish. In fact, such ending stories occurred over the past civilizations repeatedly. Thus we can say that our civilization could have come to the end in 1999. Then, why the natural calamity did not occur at that time?
The fact is that it has been postponed.

Were the abnormal weather and major earthquakes the signs?

abnormal weather

Some changes seem to be going on with the earth's environment recently.
In recent years, too much abnormal weathers have been happening in all over the world, haven't they?
It might be only we can't hear the Earth's cry of pain. Should we take the frequent occurrence of abnormal weather and big earthquakes as signs that the Earth cannot endure anymore?

Natural Disasters Occur in the Future?


Natural disasters will occur. So it was planned, it shall be done. Actually in that situation, mass confusion might happen in all over the world. The people all over the world might be thrown into the worries and fears that we all will perish from the earth. However, whatever happens, only if we see firmly the direction to go, we do not have to worry too much.

Natural Disasters Bring the End of the World or the Beginning of the New Age?

New Age

It is true that the time of crisis is also the time of chances. We should not only grieve over the natural calamities, but rather we should understand that those are the lessons for humans, which cannot be avoided. Why not go forward without giving up our hope and believe our bright future? Natural calamities will not give us the end of the earth. To go into the new era, if we, humans on the earth, take hand in hand and help each other, we will see our hope. Let's go for it.

【 Books 】

■ e-book ( Kindle Edition )

TitleA Natural Disaster - Overcoming the time of the final purification
Publication DateNovember 27, 2013
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■ Table of Contents

[ Chapter 1 ]

Was the Famous Prophecy of Nostradamus a Fake?

[ Chapter 2 ]

What Is the "Ascension"?

[ Chapter 3 ]

Were the Natural Calamities Postponed?

[ Chapter 4 ]

Dark Energy Is God Itself ━ The Universe Is

[ Chapter 5 ]

Will Natural Disasters Occur as Predicted?

【 Browsing Room 】

■ Chapter 1

It would be obvious that St. John who is famous for "the Book of Revelation to St. John" and Nostradamus were in charge of prophecy. They mostly prophesied the end of the world, thus they are considered as pessimists. It seems pitiful as if they are performing rather unpopular roles. However, as a matter of fact, they have specific reasons to do so. They are just warning to the people by saying, "It will be risky to go to that direction you are in." If we are on the higher hill, we can see much more far distance than people down there. Likewise, they could clearly see the future course, much clearer than other people could. Just out of their love to the mankind, they gave us such warnings. Rather we can say that they are intentionally performing unpopular roles based on love of mankind.

Actually, Nostradamus, from his age, could see through the future with extraordinary natural disasters and crisis at the end of the 20th century. He however seemed not stressing only pessimistic ending. He must have also prophesized that the human would be given the light of hope as well. It was a pity that only the side of crisis in the prophecy was reported strongly.

Although prophets can give us warning, they have no authority to change the future. Then if the picture of the future which they were looking at is changed, two possibilities will be considered. One is that the humans might have chosen the option to change their future course. The other reason is that the intention of someone who is different from the people on the ground might have made an effect on the changes. There are no other factors to change the future. In fact, there was no crisis in 1999. What on earth happened on it?

By what kind of behaviors of humans can we go so far as to avoid natural disasters? So far, what kind of actions did humans on the earth take, reflecting themselves upon their behaviors? Probably humans do not know what is right and what is wrong basically. Anyway, the human has not yet taken any worldwide actions to change themselves so far. Then now we understand that something inscrutable worked, and the future picture has been changed.

The future of the humans on the earth has been decided by themselves. Our future is determined as a result of our choice of the future by our freewill. Our future is determined as a result of all the people's choice of the future, even though each of us is not recognizing it. The figure of the future which Nostradamus viewed hundreds years ago was that of the humans on the earth, like saying, "If people keep on choosing present direction, that is the figure of their future with high probability". The fact that Nostradamus did not show any determinate pictures but symbolic ones might be his consideration to avoid his interference to people's usage of freewill. Also he might foresee his prophecy would fail, even with low probability.

■ Chapter 3

As the prophecy of Nostradamus, if the large scale natural calamity had occurred in all over the world in 1999, what would the earth have been like? In the Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011, giant Tsunami struck the coastal areas, and almost all the houses and buildings were pulled off and destroyed. And after the Tsunami went back to sea, you did see on TV or in photographs the devastated sights which there were nothing but tons of debris all around there. What if the same thing occurred in all over the world? At present, the world's population is increasing year by year, but such disasters make the population decrease less than the half of it. Even though companies want to produce cars and machineries, if the production facilities are devastated with no transportation methods to recover them, they will be forced to stop their production at all. Furthermore, in case of food shortages, they will be at a loss. The restoration will be possible only under the condition that some areas without devastation are still remaining. Even though our civilization is highly developed, we cannot do anything if we lose people and places to use the high technologies.

After the disaster of the Great East Japan Earthquake, the polite behavior of the Japanese victims became famous in the world. The scene of the Japanese people making the line to receive supplied stuff in suffered regions made foreign people impressed with surprise and appreciation. If such earthquakes and Tsunami disasters occur at once in all over the world, mass confusion will certainly happen among people in the world. Without considering other people, many people may go for self-preservation and survival. Then this world will be in crazy panic. When many people are going to die around us, they may act selfishly to survive because they do not want to die. Can we accuse them as selfish people? If there is a benevolent person who gives his bread away to his neighbor, we will see a crowd of people scrambling for it. It would be true that the people who can give something away to other people are only the ones who can afford to do so, or who have quite high spirituality. If actually worldwide disasters had occurred in 1999 as Nostradamus had predicted, present civilization might have come to the end, even though humans did not perish. In fact, such ending stories occurred over the past civilizations repeatedly. Thus we can say that our civilization could come to the end in 1999. Then, why the natural calamity did not occur at that time?